Need to retrieve CN Name not user name
hi all, sorry if have posted in wrong place, couldnt see script area i have created script updating computer description on local macine far can show users username. better if show full name. can 1 please. ive been scouring net 3 hours , no closer resoloution. here script have thanks in advance const hkey_local_machine = &h80000002 strcomputer = "." set shell = createobject("") username = shell.expandenvironmentstrings("%username%") set objregistry = getobject _ ("winmgmts:\\" & strcomputer & "\root\default:stdregprov") strkeypath = "system\currentcontrolset\services\lanmanserver\parameters" strvaluename = "srvcomment" strdescription = username objregistry.setstringvalue hkey_local_machine, strkeypath, strvaluename, strdescription hello, from description, want script modify computer description current logon user's cn. because there seems no variables indicate current ...