Need Word macro to make list of "defined terms"
resulting list ideally have 2 columns on page, , each column following:
affiliate . . . . . . . . . . 50 | property . . . . . . . 3, 56
assignment . . . . . 60, 65 | seller . . . . . . . . . . . 1
buyer . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 | transfer . . . . . . . . . 34
completion date . . . . 23 |
, on.
have no word macro skills. wrote macro wordperfect twelve years ago (long lost), complexities of word macros way beyond me.
our version of office 2003, , os xp pro sp3.
hi glnz,
relying on paired double quotes problematic, may encompass quoted statement or 1 of pair may missing.
the following macro takes different approach, using separate word file holds key terms. approach means that, once create word file key terms, can use document. table produced macro include terms found in document being processed. need change 'drive:\filepath\keyterms.doc' point own 'key terms' document.
a refinement i've made reporting terms appear on 3 or more consecutive pages list first & last hyphen separator. if don't want refinement, change 'parsepagerefs(strpages)' 'strpages' , delete 'parsepagerefs' function appears below sub.
sub tabulatekeyterms()
application.screenupdating = false
dim doc document, refdoc document, rng range
dim strterms string, strfnd string, strpages string
dim long, j long, strout string, strbreak string
strout = "term" & vbtab & "pages" & vbtab & "term" & vbtab & "pages" & vbcr
set doc = activedocument
set refdoc ="drive:\filepath\keyterms.doc", addtorecentfiles:=false)
strterms = refdoc.range.text
refdoc.close false
set refdoc = nothing
= 0 ubound(split(strterms, vbcr))
strfnd = trim(split(strterms, vbcr)(i))
if strfnd = "" goto nullstring
strpages = ""
.format = false
.text = strfnd
.wrap = wdfindstop
.matchwholeword = true
.matchwildcards = false
.matchcase = true
end with
j = 0
while .find.found
if j <> .duplicate.information(wdactiveendpagenumber) then
j = .duplicate.information(wdactiveendpagenumber)
strpages = strpages & j & " "
end if
strpages = replace(trim(strpages), " ", ",")
if strpages <> "" then
if mod 2 = 0 strbreak = vbtab else strbreak = vbcr
strout = strout & strfnd & vbtab & parsepagerefs(strpages) & strbreak
end if
end with
next i
set rng = doc.range.characters.last
.insertafter vbcr & chr(12) & strout
.start = .start + 2
.converttotable separator:=vbtab, numcolumns:=4, autofitbehavior:=wdautofitcontent, autofit:=true
.paragraphformat.alignment = wdalignparagraphcenter
.font.bold = true
end with
end with
application.screenupdating = true
end sub
function parsepagerefs(strpages string)
dim arrtmp(), integer, j integer, k integer
redim arrtmp(ubound(split(strpages, ",")))
= 0 ubound(split(strpages, ","))
arrtmp(i) = split(strpages, ",")(i)
= 0 ubound(arrtmp) - 1
if isnumeric(arrtmp(i)) then
k = 2
j = + 2 ubound(arrtmp)
if cint(arrtmp(i) + k) <> cint(arrtmp(j)) exit for
arrtmp(j - 1) = ""
k = k + 1
= j - 1
end if
parsepagerefs = replace(replace(replace(replace(join(arrtmp, ","), ",,", " "), " ,", " "), " ", " "), " ", "-")
end function
paul edstein
[ms mvp - word]
Microsoft Office > Word IT Pro Discussions
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