Automating Outlook E-mail
i trying automate e-mail messages moved after date.
this code works part, have run multiple times of messages moved.
for reason, works many messages , stops moving them. clue why?!
also, when messages moved, received date changes time @ message moved.
here code:
add-type -assemblyname
$olfolders = "" -as [type]
$outlook = new-object -comobject outlook.application
$namespace = $outlook.getnamespace("mapi")
$inbox = $namespace.getdefaultfolder($olfolders::olfolderinbox)
$movetarget = $inbox.folders.item("scom alerts")
$onedayback = (get-date).adddays(-1)
$items = $inbox.items
$filter = "[receivedtime] > '#07/28/2010#'"
$inbox = $namespace.getdefaultfolder($olfolders::olfolderinbox).items.restrict($filter)
foreach ($message in $inbox) {
if ($message.sendername -match "scom-prod") {
[void]$message.move($movetarget) | out-null
you posted on scripting guys forum - posted this:
in foreach ($message in $inbox) { loop, move $message, , $inbox.count decriments.
you run problem of $inbox no longer having valid data.
say initial count 10 items.
the first time through, move item #1 of 10 - $inbox.count 9
second time through, move #2 of 10 - $inbox count 8
3 of 10 - $inbox count 7
4 of 10 - $inbox count 6
5 of 10 - $inbox count 5
6 of 10 fails, $inbox.count 5, not 6.
try this:
add-type -assemblyname
$olfolders = "" -as [type]
$outlook = new-object -comobject outlook.application
$namespace = $outlook.getnamespace("mapi")
$inbox = $namespace.getdefaultfolder($olfolders::olfolderinbox)
$movetarget = $inbox.folders.item("powershell")
$onedayback = (get-date).adddays(-10)
$items = $inbox.items
$filter = "[receivedtime] > '#07/28/2010#'"
$inbox = $namespace.getdefaultfolder($olfolders::olfolderinbox).items.restrict($filter)
$messages = $inbox.restrict("[from] = scom-prod")
($inc = $messages.count; $inc -gt 0 ; $inc --) {
write-output $messages.item($inc).subject
[void]$messages.item($inc).move($movetarget) | out-null
Windows Server > Windows PowerShell
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