SOLVED: Windows 7 Pro won't connect to isolated Windows Server 2003 domain

leo huanglijun of windows 7 networking forum told me should post here instead:

i purchased new laptop windows home premium installed. upgraded windows 7 professional.

i have existing isolated (intentionally without connection internet) network domain name bds1 , following computers:   grumpy - windows server 2003 standard - domain controller - dns server   happy  - windows server 2003 standard  sneezy - windows xp professional sp2  doc    - windows xp professional sp3

the network has worked these 4 computers several years.

i setup new laptop's network adapter ipv4 as: vaiolaptop - windows 7 professional

all 5 computers : mask            =
                             gateway       =
                             dns servers =
5 machines can ping each of other four.

both grumpy , vaiolaptop have hosts file listing 5 computers in c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc.

"vaiolaptop" has been added grumpy's active directory under "computers".
when go laptop , try add domain, get:
"your computer not joined domain because following error occurred. attempt resolve dns name of domain controller in domain being joined has failed. please verify client configured reach dns server can resolve dns names in target domain."

thanks -

i'm not sure how work though, since mine account on machine , administrator account.

in event, answer problem, me anyway, at:


Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum


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