i decided watch news video edge morning, , video started, ran 11 seconds, stopped , , little circle started going round , round, video started again, ran same amount of time, , little circle came loading more of video. have slow internet dsl in country, ran same news video in chrome, , ran smooth way through, couple of lags circle. this 5 minute video, if of stayed on edge of taken around 30 minutes watch 5 min video. before going on chrome, cleared browsing caches, , seemed tad bit, reverted waiting circle. is common trait of edge, or need configured different default settings. this unacceptable behavior. thanks, dave dave, thanks imput. regarding situation here, i can suggested submit feedback (as can't control internet connection @ mys side). besides, check windows update updates, there should updates available install. regards please remember mark replies answers if help, , unmark answers if provide no help. if have feedback tech...