problem in Get-Aduser
hi friends
i have lost patiense & cry.
it's 1 hour struggling simple issu.
in domain have 3 users called u1, u2, u3 both names & samaccount names same each user.
when run
ps c:\> get-aduser -filter {name -eq "u1"} ----> works
but followings doesn't work & show no output:
$i = 1
ps c:\> get-aduser -filter {name -eq "u$i"} ----> no result (nothing shown in output)
a guy said: " powershell won't resolve variable name inside scriptblock. you have define you're username outside , use variable"
but problem is, without -filter, if command checks existence of object in ad & in case object not present, produces error.
let me clarify:
writing function checks existence of these 3 users in ad database & if don't exist in ad, (without getting error describes "object not found"), creates them.
for ($i = 1; $i -le 3; $i++){ if (!(get-aduser -filter {name -eq "u$i"})) {new-aduser -name "u$i"} } #if don't use script block , terminating error & code won't continue: ($i = 1; $i -le 3; $i++){ if (!(get-aduser "u$i")) {new-aduser -name "u$i"} }
get-aduser : cannot find object identity: 'u1' under: 'dc=hp,dc=lab'.
@ c:\users\administrator\desktop\untitled2.ps1:2 char:13
+ if (!(get-aduser "u$i")) {new-aduser -name "u$i"}
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ categoryinfo : objectnotfound: (u1:aduser) [get-aduser], adidentitynotfoundexception
+ fullyqualifiederrorid :
'++' operator works on numbers. operand 'system.string'.
@ c:\users\administrator\desktop\untitled2.ps1:1 char:27
+ for ($i = 1; $i -le 3; $i++){
+ ~~~~
+ categoryinfo : invalidoperation: (:) [], runtimeexception
+ fullyqualifiederrorid : operatorrequiresnumber
not [problem. quirk of filter
get-aduser -filter "name -eq 'u$i'"
now work intended.
Windows Server > Windows PowerShell
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