Logon Script Working on 2003 TS, but not on 2008 TS

we have simple logon script set through gp need open website when user logs on in morning. script must run if user logging on logon machine, , must not run if user logs ts. script working desired in instances except if user logs in 2008 ts - can tell me why is?

here script - tes.bat

@echo off

rem check windows terminal server session
if /i "%sessionname%" == "console" goto :cont
if not "%sessionname%" == "" goto :metaframe


start iexplore http://www.example.com

goto :exit



hi ian,

did test other script see if works on windows 2008? in case, user account control may cause logon script fail.

you may refer to:


after turn on user account control in windows vista, programs may unable access network locations



wilson jia

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Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)


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