modify script


i use ps script data:

get-qaduser -sizelimit 0 -searchroot '' -includedproperties samaccountname,name,title,parentcontainer,streetaddress,telephonenumber,manager | sort-object -property samaccountname | select samaccountname,name,title,parentcontainer,streetaddress,telephonenumber,manager | export-csv e:\data.csv -encoding unicode


in data.csv in manager column have

cn=john johnson ,ou=sales ,ou=hq,ou=company ,dc=domain ,dc=ru

but need only

john johnson

help me please modify script.

thanks in advanced

try this:

  get-qaduser -sizelimit 0 -searchroot '' -includedproperties `     samaccountname,name,title,parentcontainer,streetaddress,telephonenumber,manager | `     sort-object -property samaccountname | `     select samaccountname,name,title,parentcontainer,streetaddress,telephonenumber,`          @{n='manager';e={($_.manager -split ',')[0] -replace 'cn='}} | `     export-csv e:\data.csv -encoding unicode  

grant ward, a.k.a. bigteddy

what's new in powershell 3.0 (technet wiki)

network live audit - powershell script

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