clients not populating in 3.0sp1 console

i hve small client domain 60 machines, none of them showing in console, including wsus server iself.


i ran command "wuauclt /detectnow" on wsus server (similar results clients) and found in windowsupdate.log file:


2008-05-22 10:19:35:237  964 414 au triggering au detection through detectnow api
2008-05-22 10:19:35:237  964 414 au triggering online detection (non-interactive)
2008-05-22 10:19:35:237  964 cf0 au #############
2008-05-22 10:19:35:237  964 cf0 au ## start ##  au: search updates
2008-05-22 10:19:35:237  964 cf0 au #########
2008-05-22 10:19:35:252  964 cf0 au <<## submitted ## au: search updates [callid = {42d7723b-b6c6-44df-af29-03b485d1ca77}]
2008-05-22 10:19:35:252  964 19b4 agent *************
2008-05-22 10:19:35:252  964 19b4 agent ** start **  agent: finding updates [callerid = automaticupdates]
2008-05-22 10:19:35:252  964 19b4 agent *********
2008-05-22 10:19:35:252  964 19b4 agent   * online = yes; ignore download priority = no
2008-05-22 10:19:35:252  964 19b4 agent   * criteria = "ishidden=0 , isinstalled=0 , deploymentaction='installation' , isassigned=1 or ishidden=0 , ispresent=1 , deploymentaction='uninstallation' , isassigned=1 or ishidden=0 , isinstalled=1 , deploymentaction='installation' , isassigned=1 , rebootrequired=1 or ishidden=0 , isinstalled=0 , deploymentaction='uninstallation' , isassigned=1 , rebootrequired=1"
2008-05-22 10:19:35:252  964 19b4 agent   * serviceid = {3da21691-e39d-4da6-8a4b-b43877bcb1b7}
2008-05-22 10:19:35:252  964 19b4 misc validating signature c:\windows\softwaredistribution\selfupdate\default\
2008-05-22 10:19:35:268  964 19b4 misc  microsoft signed: yes
2008-05-22 10:19:35:268  964 19b4 misc validating signature c:\windows\softwaredistribution\selfupdate\default\
2008-05-22 10:19:35:284  964 19b4 misc  microsoft signed: yes
2008-05-22 10:19:35:331  964 19b4 misc validating signature c:\windows\softwaredistribution\selfupdate\default\
2008-05-22 10:19:35:346  964 19b4 misc  microsoft signed: yes
2008-05-22 10:19:35:346  964 19b4 setup ***********  setup: checking whether self-update required  ***********
2008-05-22 10:19:35:346  964 19b4 setup   * inf file: c:\windows\softwaredistribution\selfupdate\default\wsus3setup.inf
2008-05-22 10:19:35:362  964 19b4 setup update not required c:\windows\system32\cdm.dll: target version = 7.1.6001.65, required version = 7.1.6001.65
2008-05-22 10:19:35:362  964 19b4 setup update not required c:\windows\system32\wuapi.dll: target version = 7.1.6001.65, required version = 7.1.6001.65
2008-05-22 10:19:35:362  964 19b4 setup update not required c:\windows\system32\wuapi.dll.mui: target version = 7.1.6001.65, required version = 7.1.6001.65
2008-05-22 10:19:35:362  964 19b4 setup update not required c:\windows\system32\wuauclt.exe: target version = 7.1.6001.65, required version = 7.1.6001.65
2008-05-22 10:19:35:362  964 19b4 setup update not required c:\windows\system32\wuaucpl.cpl: target version = 7.1.6001.65, required version = 7.1.6001.65
2008-05-22 10:19:35:362  964 19b4 setup update not required c:\windows\system32\wuaucpl.cpl.mui: target version = 7.1.6001.65, required version = 7.1.6001.65
2008-05-22 10:19:35:362  964 19b4 setup update not required c:\windows\system32\wuaueng.dll: target version = 7.1.6001.65, required version = 7.1.6001.65
2008-05-22 10:19:35:362  964 19b4 setup update not required c:\windows\system32\wuaueng.dll.mui: target version = 7.1.6001.65, required version = 7.1.6001.65
2008-05-22 10:19:35:362  964 19b4 setup update not required c:\windows\system32\wucltui.dll: target version = 7.1.6001.65, required version = 7.1.6001.65
2008-05-22 10:19:35:362  964 19b4 setup update not required c:\windows\system32\wucltui.dll.mui: target version = 7.1.6001.65, required version = 7.1.6001.65
2008-05-22 10:19:35:362  964 19b4 setup update not required c:\windows\system32\wups.dll: target version = 7.1.6001.65, required version = 7.1.6001.65
2008-05-22 10:19:35:377  964 19b4 setup update not required c:\windows\system32\wups2.dll: target version = 7.1.6001.65, required version = 7.1.6001.65
2008-05-22 10:19:35:377  964 19b4 setup update not required c:\windows\system32\wuweb.dll: target version = 7.1.6001.65, required version = 7.1.6001.65
2008-05-22 10:19:35:377  964 19b4 setup   * isupdaterequired = no
2008-05-22 10:19:36:737  964 19b4 pt +++++++++++  pt: synchronizing server updates  +++++++++++
2008-05-22 10:19:36:737  964 19b4 pt   + serviceid = {3da21691-e39d-4da6-8a4b-b43877bcb1b7}, server url = http://msi/clientwebservice/client.asmx
2008-05-22 10:19:36:909  964 19b4 pt warning: cached cookie has expired or new pid available
2008-05-22 10:19:36:909  964 19b4 pt initializing simple targeting cookie, clientid = c57bdf9b-dc58-4f30-bbed-a29fcdd4c159, target group = servers, dns name =
2008-05-22 10:19:36:909  964 19b4 pt   server url = http://msi/simpleauthwebservice/simpleauth.asmx
2008-05-22 10:19:36:909  964 19b4 pt warning: getauthorizationcookie failure, error = 0x80244019, soap client error = 10, soap error code = 0, http status code = 404
2008-05-22 10:19:36:909  964 19b4 pt warning: failed initialize simple targeting cookie: 0x80244019
2008-05-22 10:19:36:909  964 19b4 pt warning: populateauthcookies failed: 0x80244019
2008-05-22 10:19:36:909  964 19b4 pt warning: refreshcookie failed: 0x80244019
2008-05-22 10:19:36:909  964 19b4 pt warning: refreshptstate failed: 0x80244019
2008-05-22 10:19:36:909  964 19b4 pt warning: sync of updates: 0x80244019
2008-05-22 10:19:36:909  964 19b4 pt warning: syncserverupdatesinternal failed: 0x80244019
2008-05-22 10:19:36:909  964 19b4 agent   * warning: failed synchronize, error = 0x80244019
2008-05-22 10:19:36:924  964 19b4 agent   * warning: exit code = 0x80244019
2008-05-22 10:19:36:971  964 19b4 agent *********
2008-05-22 10:19:36:971  964 19b4 agent **  end  **  agent: finding updates [callerid = automaticupdates]
2008-05-22 10:19:36:971  964 19b4 agent *************
2008-05-22 10:19:36:971  964 19b4 agent warning: wu client failed searching update error 0x80244019
2008-05-22 10:19:36:987  964 d00 au >>##  resumed  ## au: search updates [callid = {42d7723b-b6c6-44df-af29-03b485d1ca77}]
2008-05-22 10:19:36:987  964 d00 au   # warning: search callback failed, result = 0x80244019
2008-05-22 10:19:36:987  964 d00 au   # warning: failed find updates error code 80244019
2008-05-22 10:19:36:987  964 d00 au #########
2008-05-22 10:19:36:987  964 d00 au ##  end  ##  au: search updates [callid = {42d7723b-b6c6-44df-af29-03b485d1ca77}]
2008-05-22 10:19:36:987  964 d00 au #############
2008-05-22 10:19:36:987  964 d00 au au setting next detection timeout 2008-05-22 16:10:46
2008-05-22 10:19:36:987  964 d00 au setting au scheduled install time 2008-05-26 01:00:00
2008-05-22 10:19:41:924  964 19b4 report report event: {5224d2b5-f217-4b52-b6a0-a8ab5e79a335} 2008-05-22 10:19:36:924-0500 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 80244019 automaticupdates failure software synchronization windows update client failed detect error 0x80244019.

hi edbert,

please open iis manager, right click "wsus administration" website, choose "properties", in "website" tab, make sure
tcp port 3580.

also, please check there no other application or website using port 3580.

eric zhang

Windows Server  >  WSUS


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