Get Certificate - multiple computers


can me figure out how use certificate against multiple remote servers?

    #> 	  	[cmdletbinding()]	  	param (		  		[parameter(valuefrompipeline=$true,valuefrompipelinebypropertyname=$true)]		  		[alias('pscomputername','__server','ipaddress')]		  		[string[]]$computername =  $env:computername,	          [parameter()]	  		[]$storename = 'my',		          [parameter()]  		[]$storelocation  = 'localmachine',          [parameter()]          [switch]$includearchive,          [parameter()]          [string]$issuer,          [parameter()]          [string]$subject,          [parameter()]          [string]$thumbprint  	  	)	      begin {  		$wherelist = new-object system.collections.arraylist  		if ($psboundparameters.containskey('issuer')) {  			[void]$wherelist.add('$_.issuer -like $issuer')  		}  		if ($psboundparameters.containskey('subject')) {  			[void]$wherelist.add('$_.subject -like $subject')  		}  		if ($psboundparameters.containskey('thumbprint')) {  			[void]$wherelist.add('$_.thumbprint -like $thumbprint')  		}      if ($wherelist.count -gt 0) {  		    $where = [scriptblock]::create($wherelist -join ' -and ')  		    write-debug "whereblock: $($where)"      }      }  	process  {		  		foreach  ($computer in  $computername) {			  			try  {				  				write-verbose  ("connecting \\{0}\{1}\{2}" -f $computer,$storelocation,$storename)				  				$certstore  = new-object  -argumentlist "\\$($computer)\$($storename)", $storelocation				          		if ($psboundparameters.containskey('includearchive')) {                      $flags = []'readonly','includearchived'                  } else {                      $flags = []'readonly'                  }		                  				$$flags)																	      			if ($wherelist.count -gt 0) {                      $certificates = $certstore.certificates | $where                  } else {                      $certificates = $certstore.certificates                  }	                  $certificates | foreach {							  					$days = switch ((new-timespan  -end $_.notafter).days)  {								  						{$_ -gt 0} {$_}								  						default {'expired'}								  					}							  					$_ | add-member -membertype  noteproperty -name  expiresin -value  $days -passthru |                           add-member -membertype noteproperty -name computername -value $computer -passthru														  				}															  			} catch  {				  				write-warning  "$($computer): $_"				  			}			  		}		  	}	  } 

hi pat,

change [string[]]$computername =  $env:computername,   [string[]]$computername,

you need permission remote machines too. might need @ getting -credential added advanced function.

another issue have found, if piping get-adcomputer, need add select-object in there. get-adcomputer doesn't seem pass properties if have alias setup. 

for example:

get-adcomputer -filter * | select-object * | get-certificate
source select-object here:

thanks, tim. | please remember mark replies answers if help. |

Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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