get a service from a list of remote computers.


i run this:

$computerlist = get-content -path "p:\tools\x64.txt"
$computerlist | foreach { (get-service -name yam* -computername $_) | select-object machinename, name, displayname, status}
<# need add line extract if yam not installed  #>
$computerlist | foreach -ne { (get-service -name yam* -computername $_) | select-object machinename}

the first 2 lines produce expected result.  last line can not work.  looking list computers not have service installed.  example if have pc1, pc2 , pc3, pc4 i list, , 1 , 2 have service,  i list below

machinename                name                  displayname                          status

pc1                                 yam                           yam                                 running

pc2                                  yam                          yam                                 running



any thoughts.

thanks in advance.                 

$computerlist | where {$exsts.machinename -contains $_}


$computerlist | where {$computerlist -contains  (get-service -name winrm* -computername $_).machinename }

thanks azam when see answers please mark answer if helpful.

Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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