Function faster than Workflow -> why ?
hi everyone,
i'm in little trouble because learned workflow , in general workflow faster function in case slower, , don't understand why. here code:
workflow get-users
[cmdletbinding(confirmimpact = 'low')]
[parameter(mandatory = $true, position = 0)]
[parameter(mandatory = $true, position = 1)]
[parameter(mandatory = $true, position = 2)]
foreach -parallel ($user in $users.values)
$prop = get-aduser -identity $user -properties department, extensionattribute4, extensionattribute6, extensionattribute7 -server $server -credential $cred
write-output $prop | out-file c:\users\public\scripts\$($prop.samaccountname).txt -append -encoding utf8 }
function get-fvusers
[cmdletbinding(confirmimpact = 'low')]
[parameter(mandatory = $true, position = 0)]
[parameter(mandatory = $true, position = 1)]
[parameter(mandatory = $true, position = 2)]
foreach ($user in $users.values)
$prop = get-aduser -identity $user -properties department, extensionattribute4, extensionattribute6, extensionattribute7 -server $server -credential $cred
write-output $prop | out-file c:\users\public\scripts\$($prop.samaccountname).txt -append -encoding utf8
measure-command -expression {
get-users -users $dynarray -server $server -cred $cred
measure-command -expression {
get-fvusers -users $dynarray -server $server -cred $cred
the function @ least 4 5 times faster workfow. have got ideas ?
thank you,
arnaud h.
hi arnaud,
can't know in case, when parallel processing slower linear, means overhead of creating new runspace greater cost of performing payload.
also, please note assigning same position index each parameter pointless. try assigning incrementing (0, 1, 2) ones parameters. don't think has impact on performance, it's coding practice.
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