get-content inside a script

hi have basic question get-content inside script...

for example have next script:


 gc  (gci $input ).fullname


if past code in console don't have problem, in script have following error:

get-content : cannot bind argument parameter 'path' because null.

at line:1 char:3

+ gc <<<<  $as

    + categoryinfo          : invaliddata: (:) [get-content], parameterbinding 


    + fullyqualifiederrorid : parameterargumentvalidationerrornullnotallowed,m 



what problem?

$input special variable in powershell, bad idea give own variable same name.  see get-help about_automatic_variables more info on $input is.

this issue - try renaming paramter different $filepath , see if starts working.



Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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