Windows Powershell - My 2nd Parameter doesnt seem to work

hi there,

i've created following function , created following parameters go it..

function start-precheck7{    [cmdletbinding()] param(    [parameter(mandatory=$true,position=1)]    [string]$filepath, [string]$computername )

using parameters i've got following lines of script -

get-itemproperty $filepath | select length | foreach-object {[math]::round($_.length / 1mb,2)}


get-wmiobject -computername $computername win32_logicaldisk -filter "deviceid='c:'" | select freespace | foreach-object {[math]::round($_.freespace / 1mb,2)}

the $filepath line runs expected , $computername seems run but.. script have wont run if don't specify $computername want optional parameter may want run scrip on local machine.

could or advise tips make more effective

any questions please ask..


function start-precheck7{        [cmdletbinding()] param(        [parameter(mandatory=$true,position=1)]        [string]$filepath,    [string]$computername    )      if (!$computername) {       $computername = $env:computername    }    ... }   

or in param-listing:

param(           [parameter(mandatory=$true,position=1)]           [string]$filepath,       [string]$computername = $env:computername    ) 

Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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