Exception calling “UploadFile” with “2” argument(s): “The Content-Type header cannot be set to a multipart type for this request.”

i'm working on powershell script , getting above error, not understanding. appreciated!

$down = "c:\script\log\down-hosts.log"  $computers = get-content "c:\script\list\computers.txt"    $sourcefilename = "source_file.csv"    #ftp server   $ftp = "sftp://servername"   $user = "user"   $pass = "pass"    $webclient = new-object system.net.webclient  $webclient.credentials = new-object system.net.networkcredential($user,$pass)    # create empty log file down hosts (overwrite if exists)  new-item $down -type file -force    foreach ($computer in $computers) {  if ( test-connection -computername $computer -count 1 -erroraction silentlycontinue ) {    write-host "$computer up"    write-host "uploading \\$computer\c$\ups csv exports\$sourcefile..."    $sourcefilepath = "\\$computer\c$\ups csv exports"    $uri = new-object system.uri($ftp+$computer+"_"+$sourcefilename)    $webclient.uploadfile($uri,$sourcefilepath+"/"+$sourcefilename)    if($? -eq $true) {    write-host "$ftp$sourcefilename ok"    remove-item $sourcefilepath"\"$sourcefilename   }  } else {    write-host "$computer down"    "$computer down" | out-file $down -append     }  }

in script, using ftp move file ftp directory , think partly problem. instead of using ftp, use copy/paste/move file due ftp server directory being on same network/domain computer running script. if have has modification script, of great newbie when comes powershell. 


russ, mcse

copy-item or move-item far easier managing ftp connection.  i didn't test there might typos should pretty close, gotta run, luck!

$down = "c:\script\log\down-hosts.log" $computers = get-content "c:\script\list\computers.txt" $targetpath = "\\servername\sharename\path" $sourcefilename = "source_file.csv" foreach ($computer in $computers) {   if ( test-connection -computername $computer -count 1 -erroraction silentlycontinue ) {     $sourcefilepath = "\\$computer\c$\ups csv exports\$sourcefilename"     write-host "$computer up"     write-host "copying $sourcefilepath ..."     try {       if (test-path $sourcefilepath) {          move-item $sourcefilepath "$targetpath\$computer`_$sourcefilename" -force       } else {          throw "$sourcefilepath not exist"       }     } catch {        write-host "error: $($error[0].exception.message)"     }   } else {     write-host "$computer down"     "$computer down" | out-file $down -append    } } 

i hope post has helped!

Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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