wsus automaticUpdates Failure Software Synchronization for client end

hi m ananda

i installed , configured wsus 3.2.7600.226 on 2008 serever , clients not showing
under managed computers.

the client side geting error windowsupdate--

2012-10-10 10:47:08:973  912 1270 pt warning: pterror: 0x80244019
2012-10-10 10:47:08:973  912 1270 pt warning: getconfig_withrecovery failed: 0x80244019
2012-10-10 10:47:08:973  912 1270 pt warning: refreshconfig failed: 0x80244019
2012-10-10 10:47:08:973  912 1270 pt warning: refreshptstate failed: 0x80244019
2012-10-10 10:47:08:973  912 1270 pt warning: pterror: 0x80244019
2012-10-10 10:47:08:973  912 1270 report warning: reporter failed upload events hr = 80244019.
2012-10-10 10:54:05:931  912 1560 au triggering au detection through detectnow api
2012-10-10 10:54:05:931  912 1560 au triggering online detection (non-interactive)
2012-10-10 10:54:05:931  912 ef8 au #############
2012-10-10 10:54:05:931  912 ef8 au ## start ##  au: search updates
2012-10-10 10:54:05:931  912 ef8 au #########
2012-10-10 10:54:05:931  912 ef8 au <<## submitted ## au: search updates [callid = {0531cb25-c62a-4eec-bfa5-db21a5fad244}]
2012-10-10 10:54:05:931  912 1270 agent *************
2012-10-10 10:54:05:931  912 1270 agent ** start **  agent: finding updates [callerid = automaticupdates]
2012-10-10 10:54:05:931  912 1270 agent *********
2012-10-10 10:54:05:931  912 1270 agent   * online = yes; ignore download priority = no
2012-10-10 10:54:05:931  912 1270 agent   * criteria = "isinstalled=0 , deploymentaction='installation' or ispresent=1 , deploymentaction='uninstallation' or isinstalled=1 , deploymentaction='installation' , rebootrequired=1 or isinstalled=0 , deploymentaction='uninstallation' , rebootrequired=1"
2012-10-10 10:54:05:931  912 1270 agent   * serviceid = {3da21691-e39d-4da6-8a4b-b43877bcb1b7} managed
2012-10-10 10:54:05:931  912 1270 agent   * search scope = {machine}
2012-10-10 10:54:05:931  912 1270 setup checking agent selfupdate
2012-10-10 10:54:05:977  912 1270 setup client version: core: 7.6.7600.256  aux: 7.6.7600.256
2012-10-10 10:54:05:977  912 1270 misc validating signature c:\windows\softwaredistribution\selfupdate\
2012-10-10 10:54:05:993  912 1270 misc  microsoft signed: yes
2012-10-10 10:54:05:993  912 1270 misc validating signature c:\windows\softwaredistribution\selfupdate\
2012-10-10 10:54:06:009  912 1270 misc  microsoft signed: yes
2012-10-10 10:54:06:009  912 1270 misc validating signature c:\windows\softwaredistribution\selfupdate\
2012-10-10 10:54:06:009  912 1270 misc  microsoft signed: yes
2012-10-10 10:54:06:040  912 1270 misc validating signature c:\windows\softwaredistribution\selfupdate\
2012-10-10 10:54:06:055  912 1270 misc  microsoft signed: yes
2012-10-10 10:54:06:071  912 1270 setup determining whether new setup handler needs downloaded
2012-10-10 10:54:06:071  912 1270 setup selfupdate handler not found.  downloaded
2012-10-10 10:54:06:071  912 1270 setup evaluating applicability of setup package "wuclient-selfupdate-activex~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~7.6.7600.256"
2012-10-10 10:54:07:990  912 1560 au triggering au detection through detectnow api
2012-10-10 10:54:07:990  912 1560 au piggybacking on au detection in progress
2012-10-10 10:54:08:271  912 1270 setup setup package "wuclient-selfupdate-activex~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~7.6.7600.256" installed.
2012-10-10 10:54:08:271  912 1270 setup evaluating applicability of setup package "wuclient-selfupdate-aux-toplevel~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~7.6.7600.256"
2012-10-10 10:54:08:286  912 1270 setup setup package "wuclient-selfupdate-aux-toplevel~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~7.6.7600.256" installed.
2012-10-10 10:54:08:286  912 1270 setup evaluating applicability of setup package "wuclient-selfupdate-core-toplevel~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~7.6.7600.256"
2012-10-10 10:54:08:302  912 1270 setup setup package "wuclient-selfupdate-core-toplevel~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~7.6.7600.256" installed.
2012-10-10 10:54:08:302  912 1270 setup selfupdate check completed.  selfupdate not required.
2012-10-10 10:54:08:380  912 1270 pt +++++++++++  pt: synchronizing server updates  +++++++++++
2012-10-10 10:54:08:380  912 1270 pt   + serviceid = {3da21691-e39d-4da6-8a4b-b43877bcb1b7}, server url = http://wsus/clientwebservice/client.asmx
2012-10-10 10:54:08:380  912 1270 pt warning: getconfig failure, error = 0x80244019, soap client error = 10, soap error code = 0, http status code = 404
2012-10-10 10:54:08:380  912 1270 pt warning: pterror: 0x80244019
2012-10-10 10:54:08:380  912 1270 pt warning: getconfig_withrecovery failed: 0x80244019
2012-10-10 10:54:08:380  912 1270 pt warning: refreshconfig failed: 0x80244019
2012-10-10 10:54:08:380  912 1270 pt warning: refreshptstate failed: 0x80244019
2012-10-10 10:54:08:380  912 1270 pt warning: sync of updates: 0x80244019
2012-10-10 10:54:08:395  912 1270 pt warning: syncserverupdatesinternal failed: 0x80244019
2012-10-10 10:54:08:395  912 1270 agent   * warning: failed synchronize, error = 0x80244019
2012-10-10 10:54:08:395  912 1270 agent   * warning: exit code = 0x80244019
2012-10-10 10:54:08:395  912 1270 agent *********
2012-10-10 10:54:08:395  912 1270 agent **  end  **  agent: finding updates [callerid = automaticupdates]
2012-10-10 10:54:08:395  912 1270 agent *************
2012-10-10 10:54:08:395  912 1270 agent warning: wu client failed searching update error 0x80244019
2012-10-10 10:54:08:395  912 89c au >>##  resumed  ## au: search updates [callid = {0531cb25-c62a-4eec-bfa5-db21a5fad244}]
2012-10-10 10:54:08:395  912 89c au   # warning: search callback failed, result = 0x80244019
2012-10-10 10:54:08:395  912 89c au   # warning: failed find updates error code 80244019
2012-10-10 10:54:08:395  912 89c au #########
2012-10-10 10:54:08:395  912 89c au ##  end  ##  au: search updates [callid = {0531cb25-c62a-4eec-bfa5-db21a5fad244}]
2012-10-10 10:54:08:395  912 89c au #############
2012-10-10 10:54:08:395  912 89c au successfully wrote event au health state:0
2012-10-10 10:54:08:395  912 89c au au setting next detection timeout 2012-10-10 10:24:08
2012-10-10 10:54:08:395  912 89c au successfully wrote event au health state:0
2012-10-10 10:54:08:411  912 89c au successfully wrote event au health state:0
2012-10-10 10:54:08:785  912 1560 au triggering au detection through detectnow api
2012-10-10 10:54:08:785  912 1560 au triggering online detection (non-interactive)
2012-10-10 10:54:08:785  912 ef8 au #############
2012-10-10 10:54:08:785  912 ef8 au ## start ##  au: search updates
2012-10-10 10:54:08:785  912 ef8 au #########
2012-10-10 10:54:08:785  912 ef8 au <<## submitted ## au: search updates [callid = {18b3334a-6337-4a93-8a00-cd6453b0bd6c}]
2012-10-10 10:54:08:785  912 1270 agent *************
2012-10-10 10:54:08:785  912 1270 agent ** start **  agent: finding updates [callerid = automaticupdates]
2012-10-10 10:54:08:785  912 1270 agent *********
2012-10-10 10:54:08:785  912 1270 agent   * online = yes; ignore download priority = no
2012-10-10 10:54:08:785  912 1270 agent   * criteria = "isinstalled=0 , deploymentaction='installation' or ispresent=1 , deploymentaction='uninstallation' or isinstalled=1 , deploymentaction='installation' , rebootrequired=1 or isinstalled=0 , deploymentaction='uninstallation' , rebootrequired=1"
2012-10-10 10:54:08:785  912 1270 agent   * serviceid = {3da21691-e39d-4da6-8a4b-b43877bcb1b7} managed
2012-10-10 10:54:08:785  912 1270 agent   * search scope = {machine}
2012-10-10 10:54:08:785  912 1270 setup checking agent selfupdate
2012-10-10 10:54:08:785  912 1270 setup client version: core: 7.6.7600.256  aux: 7.6.7600.256
2012-10-10 10:54:08:785  912 1270 misc validating signature c:\windows\softwaredistribution\selfupdate\
2012-10-10 10:54:08:801  912 1270 misc  microsoft signed: yes
2012-10-10 10:54:08:801  912 1270 misc validating signature c:\windows\softwaredistribution\selfupdate\
2012-10-10 10:54:08:801  912 1270 misc  microsoft signed: yes
2012-10-10 10:54:08:801  912 1270 misc validating signature c:\windows\softwaredistribution\selfupdate\
2012-10-10 10:54:08:817  912 1270 misc  microsoft signed: yes
2012-10-10 10:54:08:817  912 1270 misc validating signature c:\windows\softwaredistribution\selfupdate\
2012-10-10 10:54:08:817  912 1270 misc  microsoft signed: yes
2012-10-10 10:54:08:848  912 1270 setup determining whether new setup handler needs downloaded
2012-10-10 10:54:08:848  912 1270 setup selfupdate handler not found.  downloaded
2012-10-10 10:54:08:848  912 1270 setup evaluating applicability of setup package "wuclient-selfupdate-activex~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~7.6.7600.256"
2012-10-10 10:54:08:848  912 1270 setup setup package "wuclient-selfupdate-activex~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~7.6.7600.256" installed.
2012-10-10 10:54:08:848  912 1270 setup evaluating applicability of setup package "wuclient-selfupdate-aux-toplevel~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~7.6.7600.256"
2012-10-10 10:54:08:863  912 1270 setup setup package "wuclient-selfupdate-aux-toplevel~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~7.6.7600.256" installed.
2012-10-10 10:54:08:863  912 1270 setup evaluating applicability of setup package "wuclient-selfupdate-core-toplevel~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~7.6.7600.256"
2012-10-10 10:54:08:879  912 1270 setup setup package "wuclient-selfupdate-core-toplevel~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~7.6.7600.256" installed.
2012-10-10 10:54:08:879  912 1270 setup selfupdate check completed.  selfupdate not required.
2012-10-10 10:54:08:926  912 1270 pt +++++++++++  pt: synchronizing server updates  +++++++++++
2012-10-10 10:54:08:926  912 1270 pt   + serviceid = {3da21691-e39d-4da6-8a4b-b43877bcb1b7}, server url = http://wsus/clientwebservice/client.asmx
2012-10-10 10:54:08:926  912 1270 pt warning: getconfig failure, error = 0x80244019, soap client error = 10, soap error code = 0, http status code = 404
2012-10-10 10:54:08:926  912 1270 pt warning: pterror: 0x80244019
2012-10-10 10:54:08:926  912 1270 pt warning: getconfig_withrecovery failed: 0x80244019
2012-10-10 10:54:08:926  912 1270 pt warning: refreshconfig failed: 0x80244019
2012-10-10 10:54:08:926  912 1270 pt warning: refreshptstate failed: 0x80244019
2012-10-10 10:54:08:926  912 1270 pt warning: sync of updates: 0x80244019
2012-10-10 10:54:08:926  912 1270 pt warning: syncserverupdatesinternal failed: 0x80244019
2012-10-10 10:54:08:926  912 1270 agent   * warning: failed synchronize, error = 0x80244019
2012-10-10 10:54:08:926  912 1270 agent   * warning: exit code = 0x80244019
2012-10-10 10:54:08:926  912 1270 agent *********
2012-10-10 10:54:08:926  912 1270 agent **  end  **  agent: finding updates [callerid = automaticupdates]
2012-10-10 10:54:08:926  912 1270 agent *************
2012-10-10 10:54:08:926  912 1270 agent warning: wu client failed searching update error 0x80244019
2012-10-10 10:54:08:926  912 89c au >>##  resumed  ## au: search updates [callid = {18b3334a-6337-4a93-8a00-cd6453b0bd6c}]
2012-10-10 10:54:08:926  912 89c au   # warning: search callback failed, result = 0x80244019
2012-10-10 10:54:08:926  912 89c au   # warning: failed find updates error code 80244019
2012-10-10 10:54:08:926  912 89c au #########
2012-10-10 10:54:08:926  912 89c au ##  end  ##  au: search updates [callid = {18b3334a-6337-4a93-8a00-cd6453b0bd6c}]
2012-10-10 10:54:08:926  912 89c au #############
2012-10-10 10:54:08:926  912 89c au successfully wrote event au health state:0
2012-10-10 10:54:08:926  912 89c au au setting next detection timeout 2012-10-10 10:24:08
2012-10-10 10:54:08:926  912 89c au successfully wrote event au health state:0
2012-10-10 10:54:08:926  912 89c au successfully wrote event au health state:0
2012-10-10 10:54:09:347  912 1754 au triggering au detection through detectnow api
2012-10-10 10:54:09:347  912 1754 au triggering online detection (non-interactive)
2012-10-10 10:54:09:347  912 ef8 au #############
2012-10-10 10:54:09:347  912 ef8 au ## start ##  au: search updates
2012-10-10 10:54:09:347  912 ef8 au #########
2012-10-10 10:54:09:347  912 ef8 au <<## submitted ## au: search updates [callid = {f7a62aa2-0b77-47c7-8e7c-e6d103db4f8f}]
2012-10-10 10:54:09:347  912 1270 agent *************
2012-10-10 10:54:09:347  912 1270 agent ** start **  agent: finding updates [callerid = automaticupdates]
2012-10-10 10:54:09:347  912 1270 agent *********
2012-10-10 10:54:09:347  912 1270 agent   * online = yes; ignore download priority = no
2012-10-10 10:54:09:347  912 1270 agent   * criteria = "isinstalled=0 , deploymentaction='installation' or ispresent=1 , deploymentaction='uninstallation' or isinstalled=1 , deploymentaction='installation' , rebootrequired=1 or isinstalled=0 , deploymentaction='uninstallation' , rebootrequired=1"
2012-10-10 10:54:09:347  912 1270 agent   * serviceid = {3da21691-e39d-4da6-8a4b-b43877bcb1b7} managed
2012-10-10 10:54:09:347  912 1270 agent   * search scope = {machine}
2012-10-10 10:54:09:347  912 1270 setup checking agent selfupdate
2012-10-10 10:54:09:347  912 1270 setup client version: core: 7.6.7600.256  aux: 7.6.7600.256
2012-10-10 10:54:09:347  912 1270 misc validating signature c:\windows\softwaredistribution\selfupdate\
2012-10-10 10:54:09:363  912 1270 misc  microsoft signed: yes
2012-10-10 10:54:09:363  912 1270 misc validating signature c:\windows\softwaredistribution\selfupdate\
2012-10-10 10:54:09:363  912 1270 misc  microsoft signed: yes
2012-10-10 10:54:09:363  912 1270 misc validating signature c:\windows\softwaredistribution\selfupdate\
2012-10-10 10:54:09:378  912 1270 misc  microsoft signed: yes
2012-10-10 10:54:09:378  912 1270 misc validating signature c:\windows\softwaredistribution\selfupdate\
2012-10-10 10:54:09:378  912 1270 misc  microsoft signed: yes
2012-10-10 10:54:09:409  912 1270 setup determining whether new setup handler needs downloaded
2012-10-10 10:54:09:409  912 1270 setup selfupdate handler not found.  downloaded
2012-10-10 10:54:09:409  912 1270 setup evaluating applicability of setup package "wuclient-selfupdate-activex~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~7.6.7600.256"
2012-10-10 10:54:09:409  912 1270 setup setup package "wuclient-selfupdate-activex~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~7.6.7600.256" installed.
2012-10-10 10:54:09:409  912 1270 setup evaluating applicability of setup package "wuclient-selfupdate-aux-toplevel~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~7.6.7600.256"
2012-10-10 10:54:09:425  912 1270 setup setup package "wuclient-selfupdate-aux-toplevel~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~7.6.7600.256" installed.
2012-10-10 10:54:09:425  912 1270 setup evaluating applicability of setup package "wuclient-selfupdate-core-toplevel~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~7.6.7600.256"
2012-10-10 10:54:09:441  912 1270 setup setup package "wuclient-selfupdate-core-toplevel~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~7.6.7600.256" installed.
2012-10-10 10:54:09:441  912 1270 setup selfupdate check completed.  selfupdate not required.
2012-10-10 10:54:09:487  912 1270 pt +++++++++++  pt: synchronizing server updates  +++++++++++
2012-10-10 10:54:09:487  912 1270 pt   + serviceid = {3da21691-e39d-4da6-8a4b-b43877bcb1b7}, server url = http://wsus/clientwebservice/client.asmx
2012-10-10 10:54:09:487  912 1270 pt warning: getconfig failure, error = 0x80244019, soap client error = 10, soap error code = 0, http status code = 404
2012-10-10 10:54:09:487  912 1270 pt warning: pterror: 0x80244019
2012-10-10 10:54:09:487  912 1270 pt warning: getconfig_withrecovery failed: 0x80244019
2012-10-10 10:54:09:487  912 1270 pt warning: refreshconfig failed: 0x80244019
2012-10-10 10:54:09:487  912 1270 pt warning: refreshptstate failed: 0x80244019
2012-10-10 10:54:09:487  912 1270 pt warning: sync of updates: 0x80244019
2012-10-10 10:54:09:487  912 1270 pt warning: syncserverupdatesinternal failed: 0x80244019
2012-10-10 10:54:09:487  912 1270 agent   * warning: failed synchronize, error = 0x80244019
2012-10-10 10:54:09:487  912 1270 agent   * warning: exit code = 0x80244019
2012-10-10 10:54:09:487  912 1270 agent *********
2012-10-10 10:54:09:487  912 1270 agent **  end  **  agent: finding updates [callerid = automaticupdates]
2012-10-10 10:54:09:487  912 1270 agent *************
2012-10-10 10:54:09:487  912 1270 agent warning: wu client failed searching update error 0x80244019
2012-10-10 10:54:09:487  912 89c au >>##  resumed  ## au: search updates [callid = {f7a62aa2-0b77-47c7-8e7c-e6d103db4f8f}]
2012-10-10 10:54:09:487  912 89c au   # warning: search callback failed, result = 0x80244019
2012-10-10 10:54:09:487  912 89c au   # warning: failed find updates error code 80244019
2012-10-10 10:54:09:487  912 89c au #########
2012-10-10 10:54:09:487  912 89c au ##  end  ##  au: search updates [callid = {f7a62aa2-0b77-47c7-8e7c-e6d103db4f8f}]
2012-10-10 10:54:09:487  912 89c au #############
2012-10-10 10:54:09:487  912 89c au successfully wrote event au health state:0
2012-10-10 10:54:09:503  912 1270 report report event: {33a1e5cd-6b88-4dc4-bc30-3672ec714d99} 2012-10-10 10:54:08:395+0530 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 80244019 automaticupdates failure software synchronization windows update client failed detect error 0x80244019.
2012-10-10 10:54:09:503  912 89c au au setting next detection timeout 2012-10-10 10:24:09
2012-10-10 10:54:09:503  912 1270 report report event: {313e7763-3b91-49ad-9985-a5ced5be8592} 2012-10-10 10:54:08:926+0530 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 80244019 automaticupdates failure software synchronization windows update client failed detect error 0x80244019.
2012-10-10 10:54:09:503  912 1270 report report event: {2409c919-b21c-4fb3-8fa3-79a3f4fc182d} 2012-10-10 10:54:09:487+0530 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 80244019 automaticupdates failure software synchronization windows update client failed detect error 0x80244019.
2012-10-10 10:54:09:503  912 89c au successfully wrote event au health state:0
2012-10-10 10:54:09:503  912 89c au successfully wrote event au health state:0
2012-10-10 10:54:09:503  912 1270 report cwerreporter::handleevents - wer report upload completed status 0x8
2012-10-10 10:54:09:503  912 1270 report wer report sent: 7.6.7600.256 0x80244019 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 scan 101 managed
2012-10-10 10:54:09:503  912 1270 report cwerreporter::handleevents - wer report upload completed status 0x8
2012-10-10 10:54:09:503  912 1270 report wer report sent: 7.6.7600.256 0x80244019 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 scan 101 managed
2012-10-10 10:54:09:550  912 1270 report cwerreporter::handleevents - wer report upload completed status 0x8
2012-10-10 10:54:09:550  912 1270 report wer report sent: 7.6.7600.256 0x80244019 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 scan 101 managed
2012-10-10 10:54:09:550  912 1270 report cwerreporter finishing event handling. (00000000)
2012-10-10 10:54:09:612  912 1560 au triggering au detection through detectnow api
2012-10-10 10:54:09:612  912 1560 au triggering online detection (non-interactive)
2012-10-10 10:54:09:612  912 ef8 au #############
2012-10-10 10:54:09:612  912 ef8 au ## start ##  au: search updates
2012-10-10 10:54:09:612  912 ef8 au #########
2012-10-10 10:54:09:628  912 ef8 au <<## submitted ## au: search updates [callid = {936509b3-f574-43fe-b26e-b74776a802aa}]
2012-10-10 10:54:09:628  912 1270 agent *************
2012-10-10 10:54:09:628  912 1270 agent ** start **  agent: finding updates [callerid = automaticupdates]
2012-10-10 10:54:09:628  912 1270 agent *********
2012-10-10 10:54:09:628  912 1270 agent   * online = yes; ignore download priority = no
2012-10-10 10:54:09:628  912 1270 agent   * criteria = "isinstalled=0 , deploymentaction='installation' or ispresent=1 , deploymentaction='uninstallation' or isinstalled=1 , deploymentaction='installation' , rebootrequired=1 or isinstalled=0 , deploymentaction='uninstallation' , rebootrequired=1"
2012-10-10 10:54:09:628  912 1270 agent   * serviceid = {3da21691-e39d-4da6-8a4b-b43877bcb1b7} managed
2012-10-10 10:54:09:628  912 1270 agent   * search scope = {machine}
2012-10-10 10:54:09:628  912 1270 setup checking agent selfupdate
2012-10-10 10:54:09:628  912 1270 setup client version: core: 7.6.7600.256  aux: 7.6.7600.256
2012-10-10 10:54:09:628  912 1270 misc validating signature c:\windows\softwaredistribution\selfupdate\
2012-10-10 10:54:09:628  912 1270 misc  microsoft signed: yes
2012-10-10 10:54:09:628  912 1270 misc validating signature c:\windows\softwaredistribution\selfupdate\
2012-10-10 10:54:09:643  912 1270 misc  microsoft signed: yes
2012-10-10 10:54:09:643  912 1270 misc validating signature c:\windows\softwaredistribution\selfupdate\
2012-10-10 10:54:09:643  912 1270 misc  microsoft signed: yes
2012-10-10 10:54:09:643  912 1270 misc validating signature c:\windows\softwaredistribution\selfupdate\
2012-10-10 10:54:09:659  912 1270 misc  microsoft signed: yes
2012-10-10 10:54:09:675  912 1270 setup determining whether new setup handler needs downloaded
2012-10-10 10:54:09:675  912 1270 setup selfupdate handler not found.  downloaded
2012-10-10 10:54:09:675  912 1270 setup evaluating applicability of setup package "wuclient-selfupdate-activex~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~7.6.7600.256"
2012-10-10 10:54:09:675  912 1270 setup setup package "wuclient-selfupdate-activex~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~7.6.7600.256" installed.
2012-10-10 10:54:09:675  912 1270 setup evaluating applicability of setup package "wuclient-selfupdate-aux-toplevel~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~7.6.7600.256"
2012-10-10 10:54:09:690  912 1270 setup setup package "wuclient-selfupdate-aux-toplevel~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~7.6.7600.256" installed.
2012-10-10 10:54:09:690  912 1270 setup evaluating applicability of setup package "wuclient-selfupdate-core-toplevel~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~7.6.7600.256"
2012-10-10 10:54:09:706  912 1270 setup setup package "wuclient-selfupdate-core-toplevel~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~7.6.7600.256" installed.
2012-10-10 10:54:09:706  912 1270 setup selfupdate check completed.  selfupdate not required.
2012-10-10 10:54:09:753  912 1270 pt +++++++++++  pt: synchronizing server updates  +++++++++++
2012-10-10 10:54:09:753  912 1270 pt   + serviceid = {3da21691-e39d-4da6-8a4b-b43877bcb1b7}, server url = http://wsus/clientwebservice/client.asmx
2012-10-10 10:54:09:753  912 1270 pt warning: getconfig failure, error = 0x80244019, soap client error = 10, soap error code = 0, http status code = 404
2012-10-10 10:54:09:753  912 1270 pt warning: pterror: 0x80244019
2012-10-10 10:54:09:753  912 1270 pt warning: getconfig_withrecovery failed: 0x80244019
2012-10-10 10:54:09:753  912 1270 pt warning: refreshconfig failed: 0x80244019
2012-10-10 10:54:09:753  912 1270 pt warning: refreshptstate failed: 0x80244019
2012-10-10 10:54:09:753  912 1270 pt warning: sync of updates: 0x80244019
2012-10-10 10:54:09:753  912 1270 pt warning: syncserverupdatesinternal failed: 0x80244019
2012-10-10 10:54:09:753  912 1270 agent   * warning: failed synchronize, error = 0x80244019
2012-10-10 10:54:09:753  912 1270 agent   * warning: exit code = 0x80244019
2012-10-10 10:54:09:753  912 1270 agent *********
2012-10-10 10:54:09:753  912 1270 agent **  end  **  agent: finding updates [callerid = automaticupdates]
2012-10-10 10:54:09:753  912 1270 agent *************
2012-10-10 10:54:09:753  912 1270 agent warning: wu client failed searching update error 0x80244019
2012-10-10 10:54:09:753  912 89c au >>##  resumed  ## au: search updates [callid = {936509b3-f574-43fe-b26e-b74776a802aa}]
2012-10-10 10:54:09:753  912 89c au   # warning: search callback failed, result = 0x80244019
2012-10-10 10:54:09:753  912 89c au   # warning: failed find updates error code 80244019
2012-10-10 10:54:09:753  912 89c au #########
2012-10-10 10:54:09:753  912 89c au ##  end  ##  au: search updates [callid = {936509b3-f574-43fe-b26e-b74776a802aa}]
2012-10-10 10:54:09:753  912 89c au #############
2012-10-10 10:54:09:753  912 89c au successfully wrote event au health state:0
2012-10-10 10:54:09:753  912 89c au au setting next detection timeout 2012-10-10 10:24:09
2012-10-10 10:54:09:753  912 89c au successfully wrote event au health state:0
2012-10-10 10:54:09:753  912 89c au successfully wrote event au health state:0
2012-10-10 10:54:09:862  912 1560 au triggering au detection through detectnow api
2012-10-10 10:54:09:862  912 1560 au triggering online detection (non-interactive)
2012-10-10 10:54:09:862  912 ef8 au #############
2012-10-10 10:54:09:862  912 ef8 au ## start ##  au: search updates
2012-10-10 10:54:09:862  912 ef8 au #########
2012-10-10 10:54:09:862  912 ef8 au <<## submitted ## au: search updates [callid = {32107f8a-97f7-4d85-a891-f91c2062ade6}]
2012-10-10 10:54:09:862  912 1270 agent *************
2012-10-10 10:54:09:862  912 1270 agent ** start **  agent: finding updates [callerid = automaticupdates]
2012-10-10 10:54:09:862  912 1270 agent *********
2012-10-10 10:54:09:862  912 1270 agent   * online = yes; ignore download priority = no
2012-10-10 10:54:09:862  912 1270 agent   * criteria = "isinstalled=0 , deploymentaction='installation' or ispresent=1 , deploymentaction='uninstallation' or isinstalled=1 , deploymentaction='installation' , rebootrequired=1 or isinstalled=0 , deploymentaction='uninstallation' , rebootrequired=1"
2012-10-10 10:54:09:862  912 1270 agent   * serviceid = {3da21691-e39d-4da6-8a4b-b43877bcb1b7} managed
2012-10-10 10:54:09:862  912 1270 agent   * search scope = {machine}
2012-10-10 10:54:09:862  912 1270 setup checking agent selfupdate
2012-10-10 10:54:09:862  912 1270 setup client version: core: 7.6.7600.256  aux: 7.6.7600.256
2012-10-10 10:54:09:862  912 1270 misc validating signature c:\windows\softwaredistribution\selfupdate\
2012-10-10 10:54:09:862  912 1270 misc  microsoft signed: yes
2012-10-10 10:54:09:862  912 1270 misc validating signature c:\windows\softwaredistribution\selfupdate\
2012-10-10 10:54:09:877  912 1270 misc  microsoft signed: yes
2012-10-10 10:54:09:877  912 1270 misc validating signature c:\windows\softwaredistribution\selfupdate\
2012-10-10 10:54:09:877  912 1270 misc  microsoft signed: yes
2012-10-10 10:54:09:877  912 1270 misc validating signature c:\windows\softwaredistribution\selfupdate\
2012-10-10 10:54:09:893  912 1270 misc  microsoft signed: yes
2012-10-10 10:54:09:909  912 1270 setup determining whether new setup handler needs downloaded
2012-10-10 10:54:09:909  912 1270 setup selfupdate handler not found.  downloaded
2012-10-10 10:54:09:909  912 1270 setup evaluating applicability of setup package "wuclient-selfupdate-activex~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~7.6.7600.256"
2012-10-10 10:54:09:909  912 1270 setup setup package "wuclient-selfupdate-activex~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~7.6.7600.256" installed.
2012-10-10 10:54:09:909  912 1270 setup evaluating applicability of setup package "wuclient-selfupdate-aux-toplevel~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~7.6.7600.256"
2012-10-10 10:54:09:924  912 1270 setup setup package "wuclient-selfupdate-aux-toplevel~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~7.6.7600.256" installed.
2012-10-10 10:54:09:924  912 1270 setup evaluating applicability of setup package "wuclient-selfupdate-core-toplevel~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~7.6.7600.256"
2012-10-10 10:54:09:955  912 1270 setup setup package "wuclient-selfupdate-core-toplevel~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~7.6.7600.256" installed.
2012-10-10 10:54:09:955  912 1270 setup selfupdate check completed.  selfupdate not required.
2012-10-10 10:54:10:002  912 1560 au triggering au detection through detectnow api
2012-10-10 10:54:10:002  912 1560 au piggybacking on au detection in progress
2012-10-10 10:54:10:018  912 1270 pt +++++++++++  pt: synchronizing server updates  +++++++++++
2012-10-10 10:54:10:018  912 1270 pt   + serviceid = {3da21691-e39d-4da6-8a4b-b43877bcb1b7}, server url = http://wsus/clientwebservice/client.asmx
2012-10-10 10:54:10:018  912 1270 pt warning: getconfig failure, error = 0x80244019, soap client error = 10, soap error code = 0, http status code = 404
2012-10-10 10:54:10:018  912 1270 pt warning: pterror: 0x80244019
2012-10-10 10:54:10:018  912 1270 pt warning: getconfig_withrecovery failed: 0x80244019
2012-10-10 10:54:10:018  912 1270 pt warning: refreshconfig failed: 0x80244019
2012-10-10 10:54:10:018  912 1270 pt warning: refreshptstate failed: 0x80244019
2012-10-10 10:54:10:018  912 1270 pt warning: sync of updates: 0x80244019
2012-10-10 10:54:10:018  912 1270 pt warning: syncserverupdatesinternal failed: 0x80244019
2012-10-10 10:54:10:018  912 1270 agent   * warning: failed synchronize, error = 0x80244019
2012-10-10 10:54:10:018  912 1270 agent   * warning: exit code = 0x80244019
2012-10-10 10:54:10:018  912 1270 agent *********
2012-10-10 10:54:10:018  912 1270 agent **  end  **  agent: finding updates [callerid = automaticupdates]
2012-10-10 10:54:10:018  912 1270 agent *************
2012-10-10 10:54:10:018  912 1270 agent warning: wu client failed searching update error 0x80244019
2012-10-10 10:54:10:018  912 89c au >>##  resumed  ## au: search updates [callid = {32107f8a-97f7-4d85-a891-f91c2062ade6}]
2012-10-10 10:54:10:018  912 89c au   # warning: search callback failed, result = 0x80244019
2012-10-10 10:54:10:018  912 89c au   # warning: failed find updates error code 80244019
2012-10-10 10:54:10:018  912 89c au #########
2012-10-10 10:54:10:018  912 89c au ##  end  ##  au: search updates [callid = {32107f8a-97f7-4d85-a891-f91c2062ade6}]
2012-10-10 10:54:10:018  912 89c au #############
2012-10-10 10:54:10:018  912 89c au successfully wrote event au health state:0
2012-10-10 10:54:10:018  912 89c au au setting next detection timeout 2012-10-10 10:24:10
2012-10-10 10:54:10:018  912 89c au successfully wrote event au health state:0
2012-10-10 10:54:10:018  912 89c au successfully wrote event au health state:0
2012-10-10 10:54:10:018  912 1270 report report event: {6e1f25c1-18b5-4ed0-9b16-6863fa012b52} 2012-10-10 10:54:09:753+0530 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 80244019 automaticupdates failure software synchronization windows update client failed detect error 0x80244019.
2012-10-10 10:54:10:018  912 1270 report report event: {ad99df22-dea9-4238-ad7e-451ff2f924ad} 2012-10-10 10:54:10:018+0530 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 80244019 automaticupdates failure software synchronization windows update client failed detect error 0x80244019.
2012-10-10 10:54:10:018  912 1270 report cwerreporter::handleevents - wer report upload completed status 0x8
2012-10-10 10:54:10:018  912 1270 report wer report sent: 7.6.7600.256 0x80244019 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 scan 101 managed
2012-10-10 10:54:10:033  912 1270 report cwerreporter::handleevents - wer report upload completed status 0x8
2012-10-10 10:54:10:033  912 1270 report wer report sent: 7.6.7600.256 0x80244019 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 scan 101 managed
2012-10-10 10:54:10:033  912 1270 report cwerreporter finishing event handling. (00000000)
2012-10-10 11:13:16:029  912 15a0 pt warning: getconfig failure, error = 0x80244019, soap client error = 10, soap error code = 0, http http status code = 404

2012-10-10 11:47:03:342  912 1290 pt warning: pterror: 0x80244019
2012-10-10 11:47:03:342  912 1290 pt warning: getconfig_withrecovery failed: 0x80244019
2012-10-10 11:47:03:342  912 1290 pt warning: refreshconfig failed: 0x80244019
2012-10-10 11:47:03:342  912 1290 pt warning: refreshptstate failed: 0x80244019
2012-10-10 11:47:03:342  912 1290 pt warning: pterror: 0x80244019
2012-10-10 11:47:03:342  912 1290 report warning: reporter failed upload events hr = 80244019.


{ad99df22-dea9-4238-ad7e-451ff2f924ad} 2012-10-10 10:54:10:018+0530 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 80244019 automaticupdates failure software synchronization windows update client failed detect error 0x80244019.

please let me know if have ideas. thanks!


again have configure through group policy error still persist.

2012-10-10 16:58:55:706 7376 668 agent   * wsus server: http://wsus
2012-10-10 16:58:55:706 7376 668 agent   * wsus status server: http://wsus

if install wsus on 8530 it's not configured 

it must http://wsus:8530

double check policy, if configured properly, update policies on client

gpupdate /force ,

and run detection cycle

wuauclt /detectnow

Windows Server  >  WSUS


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