Inactive User Report

hi all,

i working automate inactive user reporting. have created script create report based on different ou's , save xls files in folder ou name. send reports divisions.

the requirement generate report in organisational excel template. have saved template shared folder. report getting generated fine first ou mentioned in input file next ou's headings getting created in correct row/coloumn , colour data not getting populated. there doing wrong.


add-pssnapin quest.activeroles.admanagement
set-qadpssnapinsettings -defaultsizelimit 0
$reportmonth=get-date -format "mmm-yy"
get-content "d:\inactiveusers\oupath.txt" |
$excel = new-object -com excel.application
$excel.visible = $true
$wbook = $"d:\report.xls")
$wsheet = $excel.worksheets.item(1)
$wsheet.cells.item(17,3) = "name:"
$wsheet.cells.item(17,4) = "userid:"
$wsheet.cells.item(17,5) = "lastlogontimestamp:"
$workbook = $wsheet.usedrange
$wsheet.range("c$(17):f$(17)").interior.colorindex = 9
$wsheet.range("c$(17):f$(17)").font.colorindex = 2
$workbook.font.bold = $true
$disusers=get-qaduser -includedproperties displayname,samaccountname,lastlogontimestamp -searchroot "ou=$oupath,dc=domain,dc=com" | { ($comparedate-$_.lastlogontimestamp).days -gt $numberdays }  | select name,displayname,description,samaccountname,lastlogontimestamp
foreach ($disabled in $disusers)
 $wsheet.cells.item($introw,3) = $disabled.displayname
 $wsheet.cells.item($introw,4) = $disabled.samaccountname
 $wsheet.cells.item($introw,5) = $disabled.lastlogontimestamp
$check = test-path -pathtype container y:\$reportmonth
if($check -eq $false){new-item y:\$reportmonth -type directory}
remove-variable * -force -erroraction silentlycontinue

hi sukhwin,

thanks posting.

to  report inactive users 90 days with powershell, to recommend cmdlet search-adaccount with parameters -timespan:   

search-adaccount -accountinactive -timespan 90.00:00:00 | ?{$_.enabled -eq $true} | %{get-aduser $_.objectguid} | select name, givenname, surname | export-csv

i hope helps.                               

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Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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