ExpandString function...

hi gents,

i have data stored in external xml file... script automatically read , assign specific variables.

after while, figured out cannot use variables (%system% or $posh) in external file (which makes complete sense), decided whenever retrieve data, use 2 functions expand sting:




.invokecommand.expandstring() expand posh $variables
[system.environment]::expandenvironmentvariables() expand system %variables%

it works fine, run problem today while handling sql queries. expandstring() automatically rid of quotes (single or double-quote), sql queries corrupted (where x='y').

i realized can use ''' (where x='''y'''), y cannot variable of course :(

i solved using $([char]39) instead of ', curious how handle such situations?



gc file.xml |%{[regex]::replace($_,"%(\w+)%",'$env:$1')}

Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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