What is the impact of upgrading the domain or forest functional level to 2012?

what impact of upgrading forest or domain functional level 2012?
i'm seeking advice in order trust relationships (forest or domain) working fine.

my environment:dc×15(2008r2) in 1 forest includes 2 domains. forest & domain functional levels are both 2008. i'm going upgrade all domain controllers to 2012.

my trust relationships:
one-way external trust - incoming or outgoing - w/ aaa.ccc.local,ddd.eee.com...and more
two-way external trust - incoming or outgoing - w/ aaa.local,xxx.yyyy.com...and more
forest trust - incoming - qqq.www.com

any information appreciated!

dfl or ffl doesn't impact on trust relationships, operating system of dcs , if you're not having trusts windows nt 4.0 domains you're fine windows server 2012 r2 dcs if want.

the main impact of raising ffl , dfl windows server 2012 can't add down-level dcs (e.g. dcs running oses earlier windows server 2012).

windows server 2012 dfl adds support for:
kdc support claims, compound authentication, , kerberos armoring kdc administrative template policy has 2 settings (always provide claims , fail unarmored authentication requests) require windows server 2012 domain functional level. more information, see what's new in kerberos authentication.

for more information see:

enfo zipper
christoffer andersson – principal advisor
http://blogs.chrisse.se - directory services blog

Windows Server  >  Directory Services


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