Moving Windows 2003 Server Tasks to Windows 2012 Server ... nothing works!

i in process of moving tasks indicated above.

i have 12 tasks running in windows 2003, not in 2012.

1.  i found samba on older linux server connecting incompatible windows.  i worked around creating windows share , connecting linux server file system.

2.  i found windows 2012 server had issue running vbs script files.  i generated batch file called script.

3.  i found run while user logged in.  i found because bat command put session in interactive mode.  i need run these jobs without user logged in!

now, can go no further.  i cannot run vbs , cannot run bat.  what options have left?

ok... if cannot map drive, cannot unc path, right? 

no, not correct. drive mappings user specific plus not exist when no 1 logged on. why better use unc paths. yes, scripting forums best bet.




regards, dave patrick ....
microsoft certified professional
microsoft mvp [windows]

disclaimer: posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights.

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