Use Powershell to Add AD Computer Object to an AD Group

hello, trying write script adds computer object in active directory group.  script works fine if run against computer object has been in ad long time.  however, if run script on object has been added domain, fails.  purpose of process run on newly domain joined machines, isn't working.

i following error:

the following exception occurred while retrieving member "add": "unknown error (0x80005000)"

anyone have ideas why happening , ideas on how fix it?  script below (note: can't use ad cmdlets accomplish have able run servers not have components installed):

# parameters, if not specified ask them or set default value.
param ([string] $adgroup, [string] $computername)
if (!$adgroup)
 $adgroup = read-host "enter active directory group add object to: "

if (!$computername)
    $computername = $env:computername

# set ldap search parameters find computer account.
$computerfilter = "(&(objectcategory=computer)(cn=$computername))"
$groupfilter = "(&(objectcategory=group)(cn=$adgroup))"

$domain = new-object system.directoryservices.directoryentry

$searcher = new-object system.directoryservices.directorysearcher
$searcher.searchroot = $domain
$searcher.pagesize = 1000
$searcher.searchscope = "subtree"

# set ldap property list, comma seperated powershell array (ie. "adspath", "cn")
$propertylist = "adspath"

foreach ($property in $propertylist)
    $searcher.propertiestoload.add($property) | out-null

#find computer path
$searcher.filter = $computerfilter
$findcp = $searcher.findone()
$computerpath = $

#find group path
$searcher.filter = $groupfilter
$findgp = $searcher.findone()
$grouppath = $

# group object
$group = [adsi]"$grouppath"

# add computer group

roy, ended doing creating wrapper script. my wrapper contained various variable data pass main script. run specified credentials, create credential , use invoke-command pass credential:

$credentials = new-object -typename -argumentlist $user,$pwsecure
invoke-command -filepath "$($path)myscript.ps1" -argumentlist "my group", "otherdata" -credential $credentials

Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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