Move-ADObject : The operation could not be performed because the object's parent is either uninstantiated or deleted
i borrowed code below , modified suit needs, getting error below, can assist.
getting error:
move-adobject : operation not performed because object's parent either uninstantiated or deleted
at c:\projects\ad_lockdown\ad_desktop_move_to_noncomp_ou.ps1:75 char:5
+ move-adobject -targetpath $targetou
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ categoryinfo : notspecified: (cn=xxxxxxx,o...c=xxxxx,dc=net:adcomputer) [move-adobject], adexception
+ fullyqualifiederrorid : operation not performed because object's parent either uninstantiated or deleted,
********replace xxxxx computer name , domain respectively.********
# script: move_servers_into__ad_lockdown.ps1
# created with:
# author:
# date:
# organization:
# file name: move_systems_into__ad_lockdown.ps1
# comments: multiple computer account desired ou
move computer objects desired ou
get-content c:\projects\ad_lockdown\computers.txt ( need have list of servers )
sample list
## import ad module if not exist
if (! (get-module activedirectory))
write-host "importing ad module....." -fore green
import-module activedirectory
write-host "completed..............." -fore green
## adding varibles
$space = write-host ""
$sleep = start-sleep -seconds 3
## reading list of computers csv , loading variable
$computers = get-content c:\projects\ad_lockdown\computers.txt
$path = "c:\projects\ad_lockdown\computers.txt"
## verification
if (! (test-path $path)) {
write-host "list of computers list txt not exist"
## defining target path
## laptop compliance moves, comment out not needed.
$targetou = "ou=non-compliant,ou=laptop,ou=hw,dc=odcorp,dc=net"
## $targetou = "ou=obsolete,ou=laptop,ou=hw,dc=odcorp,dc=net"
##desktop compliance moves, comment out not needed.
##$targetou = "ou=non-compliant,ou=workstation,ou=hw,dc=odcorp,dc=net"
## $targetou = "ou=obsolete,ou=workstation,ou=hw,dc=odcorp,dc=net"
$countpc = ($computers).count
$space = write-host ""
$sleep = start-sleep -seconds 3
write-host "this script move computer accounts" -fore green
write-host "destination location (non-compliant ) " -fore green
## provide details
write-host "list of computers............." -fore green
write-host ".............................." -fore green
## adding varibles
$space = write-host ""
$sleep = start-sleep -seconds 3
## reading list of computers csv , loading variable
$computers = get-content c:\projects\ad_lockdown\computers.txt
$path = "c:\projects\ad_lockdown\computers.txt"
## verification
if (! (test-path $path)) {
write-host "list of computers list txt not exist"
## defining target path
## laptop compliance moves, comment out not needed.
$targetou = "ou=non-compliant,ou=laptop,ou=hw,dc=odcorp,dc=net"
## $targetou = "ou=obsolete,ou=laptop,ou=hw,dc=odcorp,dc=net"
##desktop compliance moves, comment out not needed.
##$targetou = "ou=non-compliant,ou=workstation,ou=hw,dc=odcorp,dc=net"
## $targetou = "ou=obsolete,ou=workstation,ou=hw,dc=odcorp,dc=net"
$countpc = ($computers).count
$space = write-host ""
$sleep = start-sleep -seconds 3
write-host "this script move computer accounts" -fore green
write-host "destination location (non-compliant ) " -fore green
## provide details
write-host "list of computers............." -fore green
write-host ".............................." -fore green
foreach( $computer in $computers){
write-host "moving computers..."
get-adcomputer "cn=$computer,ou=smart3,ou=laptop,ou=hw,dc=na,dc=odcorp,dc=net" |
move-adobject -targetpath $targetou
write-host "$computers"
write-host "completed....................." -fore green
write-host "moved $countpc systems........"
write-host "destination ou $targetou......"
it looks code not complete because don't see move-adobject gave error.
but error in this... make sure corresponds ou in ad.
$targetou = "ou=non-compliant,ou=laptop,ou=hw,dc=odcorp,dc=net"
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Windows Server > Windows PowerShell
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