LastExitCode Not Working When Calling An External .exe


i'm new powershell, wrote powershell 2.0 script attempting load edi document converted a flat file infor's visual erp using vmdixchg module.  script working great, until tried add in error handling.  $lastexitcode returned on successful execution 2147483647 max integer value, doesn't seem valid code.  i've tried checking $? -eq $false no luck because returns false, regardless of whether execution was successful.  idea why neither of these checks working?

# call vmdixchg import order visual if cpo0001 exists
    & \\path\vmdixchg.exe -d database -u user -p password -f f:\edi\editovisual\ cpo0001 | out-null
    # send email if vmdixchg encountered issues
    if ($lastexitcode -ne 0)
        $smtpserver = "smtpserver"
        $emailfrom = ""
        $emailto = ""
        $emailsubject = "edi error"
        $emailmessage = "an error received loading cpo001 visual.  translation log attached."
        $emailattachment = "f:\edi\editovisual\cpo0001.xml"
        send-mailmessage -smtpserver $smtpserver -from $emailfrom -to $emailto -subject $emailsubject -body $emailmessage -attachments $emailattachment

in advance.

hmm, adding parentheses around parameters seems cause vmdixchg.exe think it's 1 large parameter , error out.  attempted run vmdixchg directly command line , errorlevel = 2147483647, problem must not powershell related.  contact visual see how reccomend checking errors.

thanks help.

Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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