Failed to initialize WDS mode ... 10% of the time??

hi there.

i'm having strange problem @ final leg of deployment extravaganza.

i got working want started doing load testing , various funky tests on deployment system using wds, etc.

so have 10 physical computers booting wds client 90% of time ten of them install windows server 2008 datacenter, 10% of time seems one of them give "failed initialize wds mode" error. 1 or ones fail seem change randomly.

is the wdsclient flaky/beta these days?

the funny thing believe reason giving error (after inspecting panther log) because cannot discover wds server, i'm supplying ip address of wds server right on darn setup.exe command line.

does have clue going on?



hi andy,


are pxe booting clients or using discover disk boot clients?


i noticed issue can occur when using discover disk boot clients. please check if there multiple network cards installed on clients. if so, please make sure 1 network card enabled on clients , can disable others not use in bios.


hope helps.


tim quan - msft

Windows Server  >  Setup Deployment


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