Event 13568. A Replica set hits JRNL_WRAP_ERROR when the record that it is trying to read from the NTFS USN journal is not found .Problem on dfs server

dear friends

i getting following error on dfs server (not domain controller) dfs share.recently migrated drive new disk(data copied using robocopy)

now see event id 13568.

any sugestion solve issue helpful



your first step should finding why jrnl_wrap_error error has occurred. normally, jrnl_wrap_error occurs due drive/partition being corrupted, antivirus locking , corrupting file during sysvol scan, heavy size of files inside sysvol , netlogon shares.

the solution listed in event log.

expand hkey_local_machine.
click down key path: "system\currentcontrolset\services\ntfrs\parameters"
double click on value name  "enable journal wrap automatic restore" , update value.

alternately can perform authorative , non-authorative restore of sysvol.

reference link:

note:if jrnl_wrap_error occurs frequently, need exclude sysvol/netlogon antvirus scan, check drive corruption or bad sector , restore sysvol using burflag key.

hope helps

best regards,

sandesh dubey.

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Windows Server  >  Directory Services


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