Cert Server Problems


i have a windows 2003 certificate server having problems with:

i having same exact error described here:


the problem after installing patch certenroll/xenroll, still no joy.


if use ie6, can request certificate, issue it, , install it. no prob.

if i request certificate ie7 or ie8, depracated active x control bar and i cannot proceed. installed above patch , restarted iis , certserv still same problem.

if use mozilla browser, can request certificate when try issue following error:

certificate services denied request <var>number</var> because request subject name invalid or long. 0x80094991

thanks out there.

miguel fra / falcon its
computer & network support, miami, fl
visit our knowledgebase sharepoint site

what exact error message you're getting in ie 7 or ie8? have added ca web url either local intranet or trusted sites zones? have modified initialize , script activex controls not marked safe scripting setting disable prompt zone?

have tried requesting certificate through certificates mmc?


paul adare cto identit inc. ilm mvp

Windows Server  >  Security


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