TS 2008 - Event id 303 during logon process

during logon on windows 2008 terminal server farm, ts gateway records event id 303 few seconds of session.

here example:
the user "domain\user", on client computer "x.x.x.x", disconnected following network resource: "ts-farm.domain.local". before user disconnected, client transferred 9111 bytes , received 53882 bytes. client session duration was 1 seconds.

here events sequence on ts gateway:
1. id 200 (authentication metod)
2. id 300 (authorization policy)
3. id 302 (connected ts-farm)
4. id 303 (disconnected ts-farm after 1 second?!?)
5. id 200 (authentication metod)
6. id 300 (authorization policy)
7. id 302 (connected ts-farm)

the strange thing logon process goes end without problems.

is normal?


do have ts session broker deployed well?
this sequence of events happen (and expected) when have session on 1 of ts in ts farm , next time when connect ts farm first connection might happen different ts machine in farm. session broker detects have session on other ts , hence instructs client reconnect again ts have session. hence first connection gets disconnected , see whole new sequence of connection happening in ts gateway eventlogs. hope clear now!!


Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)


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