Domain Controller's IPv4 and ISATAP A-records vanish periodically - possible causes?

hi all

i have been seeing weird problem while, , wondering if has some ideas on cause.

the network has 2 dcs: dc02, physical, and dc03, virtual on hyper-v. both running w2k8 r2. hyper-v host running w2k8 r2.

now, periodically a-record dc03 vanishes form dns, both isatap , ipv4 a-record (dc03.domain.local).

internet protocol settings "local area connections" show dc03 points ( dns-server, dc02.

running ipconfig /registerdns not seem help, restarting ip helpser service (sc stop iphlpsvc && sc start iphlpsvc) helps sometimes.

any ideas on cause such weird behavior?


i opened support case microsoft on issue. far there no explanation behavior, on part why problem shows on virtual hosts.

but got advice: ensuring proper isatap-address registration in dns, dns server's lan connection/ipv4 properties, should have fill inn domain name ( in text field "dns suffix connection". after this, server have isatap-adapters name instead of isatap.{some-guid} , registering isatap dns should work properly. mentioned in testlabguide_baseconfig.doc, page 10.


Windows Server  >  Network Infrastructure Servers


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