Copy and rename files using a CSV with Powershell

completely new , trying run simple script take source file , copy\rename new location.

sample csv:

g:\academy\client images\374.jpg,e:\images_renamed\t00002us01_374.jpg
g:\academy\client images\374-1.jpg,e:\images_renamed\t00002us02_374-1.jpg


import-csv e:\scripts\copyimg.csv -delimter "," | % { copy-item -path $_.orginalfilename -destination "e:\images_renamed\$($_.newfilename)


copy-item : given path's format not supported.
@ line:1 char:54

any point me in correct direction help. thanks!

ugh, figured out! care, following worked.

import-csv e:\scripts\copyimg.csv | % { copy-item -path $_.orginalfilename -destination "$($_.newfilename)" } 

Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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