Delete old files / Keep one for day

good morning guys,

i have big folder of logs files generate around 20 log file day.

i need delete everyday files older 14 days keep 1 day.

can me please?

thank , kind regards

we can use below function this 
function remove-files { 	[cmdletbinding()] 	param ( 		[parameter(mandatory = $true)] 		[validatescript({ 			if ((test-path "$_") -eq $true) { $true } 			else { throw "folder cannot located" } 		})] 		[string]$folderpath 	) 	dir -path "$folderpath" | { $_.lastwritetime -lt ((get-date).adddays(-14)) } | remove-item -force -confirm:$false 	$remaingfiles = dir -path "$folderpath" | select *, @{ n = 'dayoffile'; e = { $_.lastwritetime.toshortdatestring() } } 	$groups = $remaingfiles | group-object dayoffile | { $_.count -gt 1 } 	if ($groups) 	{ 		foreach ($group in $groups) 		{ 			($group).group | sort lastwritetime -descending | select -skip 1 | remove-item -force -confirm:$false 		} 	} }
use it:
remove-files -folderpath "full_path"
function remove files older 14 days , keep single file per day

Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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