DCDiag Complaining About Replication Issues W2K3 AD.

hi folks

after running dcdiag on domain controller can see errors relating replication of configuration naming context , states latency on tombstone lifetime etc etc. understand means confused @ why domain controllers mentions not receiving updates from, in other ad domains , sites not directly connected. in fact of domain controllers mentioned sites several hops away. why occuring, wouldn't of thought domain controllers ever replicated domain controller running dcdiag (no switches) from.

any appreciated.



hi adam,


please try following steps troubleshoot issue:

1. verified strict replication consistency entry in hkey_local_machine\system\currentcontrolset\services\ntds\parameters 1 lingering objects not replicate. more information:



2. created  allow replication divergent , corrupt partner registry entry in hkey_local_machine\system\currentcontrolset\services\ntds\parameters.

3. run repadmin /kcc * on dc’s

4. deleted lingering objects domain


below articles useful, please refer them more details:




hope helps,

best regards,

yan li

please remember click “mark answer” on post helps you, , click “unmark answer” if marked post not answer question. can beneficial other community members reading thread.

Windows Server  >  Directory Services


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