script to get application stats running on multiple windows servers
i beginner in powershell , trying write script different stats of application/s running on windows server. trying gather stats 1 custom object , planning tabular output send via html mail. finding hard frame logic done , below piece of script. can guide on ?
# profiles list in server
$ppath = "profilepath"
$profiles = get-childitem "profilepath" | foreach-object { $ }
$systeminfo = @()
$profiles | foreach-object {$_}{
$obj = new-object -typename psobject
$pathtocheck = $ppath + $_ + "application path"
$serfile = "profilepath" + $_ + "service file"
$contfile = "profilepath" + $_ + "context file"
if(test-path $pathtocheck)
#write-host "profile ==>" $_
$obj | add-member -membertype noteproperty -name profile -value $_
$pidfile = $ppath + $_ + "pid file path"
if(test-path $pidfile)
$procid = get-content $pidfile
#write-host "pid ==>" $procid
$memtmp = get-wmiobject -class win32_perfformatteddata_perfproc_process | where{$_.idprocess -eq $procid} | select workingsetprivate
$memusage = $memtmp | select -expand workingsetprivate
#write-host "memory ==>" $memusage
$procid = "pid not found"
$obj | add-member -membertype noteproperty -name memory -value $memusage
if(test-path $serfile)
$temp = get-childitem -name $serfile
$serstr = $temp.substring(0,4)
$nm = get-service -name *$serstr* | select name
$name = $nm | select -expand name
$sts = get-service -name *$serstr* | select status
$status = $sts | select -expand status
#write-host "service name ==>" $name
#write-host "status " ==> $status
$serstr = "service not found"
$obj | add-member -membertype noteproperty -name service-name -value $name
$obj | add-member -membertype noteproperty -name service-status -value $status
if(test-path $contfile)
[xml]$rav = get-content $contfile
$tmp1 = @($rav.getelementsbytagname("context-root"))
$client = $tmp1[0]."#text"
#write-host "environment" ==> $client
$client = "contextroot not found"
}$obj | add-member -membertype noteproperty -name environment -value $client
write-output $obj | format-table -autosize profile , environment
hi ravi0211,
the script below may helpful you, can filter process based on property "idprocess" , services based on service "name":
$pids=@() $output=@() $output1=@() get-content d:\processid.txt|foreach{ $pids+=$_} #store processid array get-wmiobject -class win32_perfformatteddata_perfproc_process | foreach{ if ($pids -contains $_.idprocess){#filter processid listed in file d:\processid.txt $obj = new-object -typename psobject $obj | add-member -membertype noteproperty -name idprocess -value $_.idprocess $obj | add-member -membertype noteproperty -name memory -value $_.workingsetprivate $output+=$obj} } $services = get-content d:\service.txt foreach($service in $services){ get-service | foreach{ if ($ –like “*$service*”){#filter service based on service name stored in d:\service.txt $obj1 = new-object -typename psobject $obj1 | add-member -membertype noteproperty -name service-name -value $ $obj1 | add-member -membertype noteproperty -name service-status -value $_.status $output1+=$obj1} } } $output $output1
hope helps.
Windows Server > Windows PowerShell
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