Copy folder structure and files

hello, have piece of code below working still need requirements below met:

 - folder structure of archive destination needs match source destination. new folders added archive (never deleted)
 - new logfile created each job
 - logging showing step process in needs included (output text file). please see below example:

job date  : current date (this being shown once each job run)

opration id  : sequential number (reset 1 @ every new job run)
operation type  : create or move ( true when dealing folder(s) or file(s))
object type  : folder or file
object name  : name of file or folder being processed
start time    : starting time of current operation
end time    : completion time of current operation

code below:

$log  $spath = "sourcepath"  $archivepath = "destinationpath"  $max_days = "-65"  #max_mins = "-5"  $curr_date = get-date  $thresholddate = $curr_date.adddays($max_days)  "source path       : $spath"  "archive path      : $archivepath"  "archive threashold: thresholddate"  #checking date , copying file sourcepath archivepath  foreach($file in (get-childitem $spath -recurse))  {      if($file.lastwritetime -gt ($curr_date).adddays($max_days))      {  		$writedate = $file.lastwritetime	  		"keeping / not archiving $file last write time $writedate"        }      else      {  				"archiving file: $file"  				new-item -itemtype directory -force -path $archivepath          #copy-item -path $file.fullname -destination $archivepath           move-item -path $file.fullname -destination $archivepath      }  }  

thanks helping this.

this robocopy used for.  of in 1 line detailed logging.

change topic "discussion" "question"


Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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