DNS conditional Forwarders Queries

hi all,

i have query conditional forwarders, read more article, still need understand better of conditional forwarders scenario faced in current experience,

we have 2 different forests, 1 x.local , other y.loc , trusted "extrenal" non-transitive trust methodology

on forest x.local, have conditional forwarder routing "(standard)" type accept dns request y.loc (primary , secondary dns servers) , y.loc windows server 2003 forest , hence have forwarders of x.local (primary & secondary dns servers) , working few days normally.

recently had changed conditional forwarders x.local forest , in dns of conditional forwarder change option standard "store conditional forwarders in active directory , replicate dns servers in forest" , after dns resolution of "y.loc" results failure name resolution.

kindly provide reason of behaviour. thanks

hi ramesh,


according description:

           >> …y.loc windows server 2003 forest…

           >> had changed conditional forwarders x.local forest , in dns of conditional forwarder change option standard "store conditional forwarders in active directory , replicate dns servers in forest" , after dns resolution of "y.loc" results failure name resolution.

           , try change option in lab, shows warning:

       the windows server version in “y.loc” reason. so

       1.you change option standard.

       2.upgrade windows server version in “y.loc”. also, windows server 2003 extension support has suspended microsoft.


          best regards,


please remember mark replies answers if , unmark them if provide no help. if have feedback technet support, contact tnmff@microsoft.com.

Windows Server  >  Network Infrastructure Servers


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