Signed Driver in Windows Server 2008 R2 Device Manager shows up a valid Software Publisher Name in the Driver tab but not in Driver File Detail shows "Not digitally signed" for Digital Signer field


our target platform windows server 2008 r2.

we using sha256 certificate codesign our cat, sys, dll files. in beginning sign not recognized os. ater googling came know that, have install following windows update support sha2 certificates,

after installing above update drivers working without issues. per topic of thread seeing "not digitally signed" in driver details of device manger.

after googling come know known issue in windows server 2008 , vista. have hot fix issue ms

but of users has experienced same issue in windows 7 , windows server 2008 r2 also. microsoft has not provided hot fix this. please direct of hot fix or solutions if available.

if no solutions, please give note customers explain cosmetic issue can neglect this.



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